Money & finances are one of the #1 sources of stress for most people.

Learn how to attract more money & build more wealth (without working harder or longer) with more ease and freedom


It comes and it goes.

It’s the underlying story we tell ourselves about money that is the very thing blocking us from having more of it.


Finish this prompt: “Money is….”

The root of all evil

Doesn’t grow on trees

Something you get for working hard

There’s never enough of it

How did you answer this prompt?

Take a breath. There’s no judgement here!

Money is a source of pain and suffering for so many.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Making more money can be a whole lot easier — you just need to get your subconscious beliefs about money to align with the relationship you desire to have with money.

Join Cait as she inspires, guides, educates & transforms her audience to rewire limiting subconscious beliefs around money and wealth abundance.

key takeaways

  • Where money really comes from

  • Uncover your limiting beliefs around money & wealth

  • Practical, evidence-based actionable tools for cultivating a healthier relationship with money

  • A roadmap for increasing your personal wealth

“it’s never about the money.

it’s about the feeling that having money gives you. safety… freedom… limitless… impact… etc.

and you can connect with those feelings at any time — even before the money shows up in your bank account.”

— Cait Ross